Самая большая электронная библиотека рунета. Поиск книг и журналов
ASM Handbook, Volume 15, Casting (2008)
Srinath Viswanathan, Editorial Chair, Diran Apelian, Rathindra DasGupta, Michael Gywn, John L. Jorstad, Raymond W. Monroe, Thomas E. Prucha, Mahi Sahoo, Edward S. Szekeres, Daniel Twarog
History and Trends in Bioprocessing and Biotransformation
N.N. Dutta, F. Hammar, D. Haralampidis, N.G. Karanth, A. König, S.H. Krishna, G. Kunze, E. Nagy, R. Orlich, A.E. Osbourn, K.S.M.S. Raghavarao, K. Riedel, G.C. Sahoo, R. Schomäcker, N.D. Srinivas
History and Trends in Bioprocessing and Biotransformation
N.N. Dutta, F. Hammar, D. Haralampidis, N.G. Karanth, A. König, S.H. Krishna, G. Kunze, E. Nagy, R. Orlich, A.E. Osbourn, K.S.M.S. Raghavarao, K. Riedel, G.C. Sahoo, R. Schomäcker, N.D. Srinivas